M.S. in Higher Education Leadership Course Description

>M.S. in Higher Education Leadership Course Description


(Three Hours) This course will consist of a survey of research methods; Qualitative, Quantitative, Mixed Method, and Action Research. A variety of research designs will be explored for each method noted above. Students will receive an overview of different methods of data collection and analysis frequently used in research literature. A survey of basic statistical methods including descriptive statistics, z- and t-tests of means, and correlation will be included. General research terms and processes will be discussed and reviewed during the class, including tools to collect data, code data, and present the data. Excel will be used for this course when performing the statistical analysis of data. A study of Action Research for teachers, counselors, and administrators will be one component of the course. As part of the course requirements, students are required to complete a research prospectus using one of the following methods; Qualitative, Quantitative, Mixed method, or Action Research. You will also be expected to use a web-based presentation system to present your proposal presentation.


HELM 523 Student Affairs Administration in Higher Education

(Three hours) An overview of the historical, philosophical and theoretical foundations of the field of student affairs in higher education in the United States, with a focus on the how these affect the practical role of professionals in university student affairs. Examines areas of content related to the study of student affairs in higher education that have an impact on the student affairs profession and the work of practitioners. Roles and functions of various student affairs divisions and positions and how they contribute to the purposes of post-secondary education are discussed.


HELM 503 Historical Foundations of Higher Education

(Three hours) A study of the historical foundations of American higher education.  Examines the impact of dominant historical, philosophical, and social constructs on the development of various modes of higher education, including private and state-controlled institutions and professional, technical, and graduate studies. Special emphasis is given to the study of the philosophical and organizational underpinnings of the educational mission and administration of higher education. Growth and trends in higher education with an emphasis on the twentieth century are discussed.


HELM 543 Finance in Higher Education

(Three hours) A detailed study of the fiscal management and budgeting practices related to financial management of the higher education institution.  Students explore theoretical concepts and review case studies to understand effectiveness and efficiency issues associated with the use of funds, operating and capital improvement budget development, financial management, fiduciary control, and fundraising. Students apply fiscal management models to understand how financial decisions reflect and affect an institution’s strategic initiatives and mission.


HELM 533 Legal and Ethical Issues in Higher Education

(Three hours) A focus on the most current laws at the state and federal levels and their impact on the operation of colleges and universities. Statutes and case studies are examined with a focus on accurate analysis of the law, constitutional interpretations, legislation, and judgments that may impact the rights and responsibilities of higher education faculty, students, and employees.. Students discuss the legal environments of postsecondary institutions and learn how practitioners may recognize legal and ethical issues and what steps to take to act within the parameters of the law.


HELM 553 Enrollment Management

(Three hours) An examination of fundamental principles of enrollment management in a higher education context. Provides an overview of the higher education admissions process, including recruitment, financial aid, advising, placement, articulation agreements, legal and regulatory considerations, and transfer programs. Students examine the data-centric enrollment management process and explore how university departments cooperate to efficiently onboard students. Explores fundamental marketing principles and tools (including digital) needed to attract and retain students and examines the relationship between enrollment processes and student achievement and persistence.


HELM 563 Governance and Administration in Higher Education

(Three hours) An examination of theoretical and philosophical foundations of leadership, management, and governance and the corresponding administrative practices within the context of higher education. Using case studies, technological applications, and applied research, students study leadership styles, governance models, organizational culture, and change processes as they relate to individuals, groups, and higher education institutions.


HELM 583 Diversity in Higher Education

(Three hours) An overview of the empirical and theoretical perspectives on multiculturalism and diversity issues in higher education, with a focus on how these factors affect teaching and learning, as well as the experiences of students, faculty, administrators, and staff. Encourages the development of practitioners who will promote cross-cultural understanding among college students.


HELM 513 College Student Development

(Three hours) Overview of the theoretical foundations related to how college students change and develop during their educational experience, with a focus on the most seminal student development theories. Literature exploring psychological, social, cultural, developmental, and cognitive theories are discussed. Students bridge the theoretical and practical by exploring the application of these theories within the diverse institutional cultures of higher education.


HELM 593 Crisis Management on the College Campus

(Three hours) Prepares higher education administrators to respond to crises effectively and develop protocols and practices that minimize the potential for occurrences.  Students learn to manage all stages of a crisis event, including how to diagnose and understand an event,  how to ensure appropriate accountability during and after an event, how to manage communication related to an event, how to manage the transition from immediate response to long-term recovery, and how to inspire confidence in the continued safety and security of their institutions. Students explore case studies, design and apply crisis response plans to theoretical events, and discuss how crisis events affect the students, faculty, staff, culture, and operations of an institution.